What We Do
As a society that is constantly evolving and changing, it is crucial that our security measures are constantly being evaluated and reimagine. Since the inception of the Internet we’ve seen an unprecedented explosion in technology. Understanding these technologies is crucial now more than ever. With these innovations comes extreme risks to ones security. Utilizing our full array of services and resouces, Ironside aims to provide a new level and layer of security to both individuals and businesses alike.
Security is an immensely growing issue and has sparked unheard-of levels of criminal activity that endangers our nations. Our process is designed to maximize the power of justice to curb these breaches of ones livelihood. We work alongside Law Enforcement to seek these networks out and defend the people. We believe that there can never be enough people working together to combat this issue. Ironside brings all of your sought after resources to one place.
Justin Yodice
Founder & CEO of Ironside | Co-Founder & CFO of 501(C)(3) Nonprofit Atlantic Counter Trafficking
To learn more about Justin’s Nonprofit please visit:
In Justin’s free time, he serves his community as an Emergency Medical Technician. He has served the Commack Volunteer Ambulance Corps for over 5 years. To further his impact in his community, Justin coaches wrestling for the Commack Union Free School District. With over 7 years coaching the youth, Justin emphasizes building an appreciation for the sport and uses it to instill maturity and mental tenacity. Justin is also a mixed martial artist and an active competitor. He can also be found instructing at Trigon Academy in his free time. Justin attended Baruch College in 2017 for a degree in Finance. Currently, Justin is continuing his education at SUNY Farmingdale.